Dons pour la paix

Et si chaque scout créait son propre don pour la paix … ! What if each scout would create his own Gift for Peace … !


Bienvenue sur ce blogue-o-thon de la PAIX …

Cet espace appartient à tous ceux qui veulent laisser des commentaires ou encore échanger des idées sur le concept de paix et ses multiples définitions …

 Pourquoi ne pas commencer par votre propre définition de la notion de “paix” …

 Laissez aller votre spontanéité créatrice … !

Welcome on this BLOG FOR PEACE …  This space belongs to all those who want to leave a comment and exchange ideas on the concept of peace and its many definitions … 

Why not start with your own definition of  “Peace” … 

Let your spontaneity express itself … or write us a reflexion that you’ve had for years …



  1. Dominic (du Canada) Says:

    Thank you kindly to all of you who took 5 minutes of their time to fill the little survey in the BLOGROLL (bottom right on the page) … Thank you for giving your vision of World scouting !!!

    For all those that would like to fill it, you will help me in my research ! Just click on this link :


    MERCI à tous ceux qui ont pris quelques minutes pour répondre au petit questionnaire de 10 question sur votre vision du Scoutisme Mondial …!!!

    À tous ceux qui voudrait participer à ma recherche en répondant au petit questionnaire MAINTENANT EN FRANÇAIS !!! Vous n’avez qu’à cliquer sur ce lien :



    Une petite citation pour terminer :

    Guglielmo Ferrero (1872-1942), historien italien :

    “Nous sommes une civilisation qui sait faire la guerre, mais qui ne sait plus faire la paix”

    Qu’en pensez-vous ?

  2. Thierry Says:

    La guerre, c’est un massacre de gens qui ne se connaissent pas, au profit de gens qui se connaissent mais ne se massacrent pas.

    Paul Valéry

  3. Dan Wood Says:

    Dear friends,

    What a great idea! And, it’s very inspiring Good to see that the spirit of the Jamboree lives on. There’s no more important subject than peace. As you all know only too well, Scouting is a great way to explore and enable it.

    I wish you every success with your project and I hope many people join you in your dialogue about living, learning, loving and leaving a legacy. There are clearly exciting possibilities to lift the ideas and innovations you come up with on these pages and make them a reality. Go for it!

    Yours in Scouting,

    Dan Wood
    The Scout Association, UK
    Chair of Operations

  4. Robin Cussens Says:

    If man stopped waisting energy and money fighting each other and used that energy and money to fight global warming and poverty this would not only improve many lives but also remove many of the things people use to fight about.

  5. Simon Daigle (Canada) Says:

    Si les gens avaient pu voir 40 000 jeunes de différents pays sur un même site sans frontières, discutant, jouant, échangeant et partageant une experience unique … Je l’ai vu et c’etait quelque chose a voir !

    Simon Daigle
    Béluga Dévoué
    Pintendre, Québec

  6. Dominic Says:

    « You can bomb the world into pieces but you can’t bomb the world into Peace ! »

    La paix et les armes (bombes) ne font définitivement pas bon ménage … !
    ( Peace and arms (bombs) dont go well together … ! )

  7. Roxanne Says:

    Si chaque personne fait sa part… nous seront tous en paix, comme au Jam ! … c’est possible … et si nous réussisons à faire survivre les scouts et le scoutisme, nous allons faire vivre la paix ensemble … et la donner a nos amis qui la donnerons a leur tour… un rêve … qui peux se réaliser!

    Roxanne p.

  8. Dominic Says:

    I think more and more people agree now that Peace is not the absence of war … in fact peace cannot be an ABSENCE … it has to be PRESENT ….

    Moreover, Peace is not something that we can reach once and for all : no, in my view, Peace is something that lives and dies, something that we need to harvest, take care of and always keep an eye on …. and when we do that, we can have a real hope to see the flowers and fruits of Peace …!

    Peace shouldn’t be something we hope for … for it will not come from the sky above : Peace is something we should do an EFFORT for …. like an everyday “Good Turn” … just as Scout of the world try to do !

    Peace is a very special concept because wherever you go in the world, you will never find someone that is not in favor of Peace … but being in favor of Peace doesn’t mean that a person DO something for it …. to “Give Peace a chance” … !

    Finally, if we wanna be able to DO something in favor of Peace, we first need to have a common definition of the concept of Peace …. That’s where the fun begins … that’s when we realise the importance of opening and promoting a dialogue on Peace …

    Let your voice be heard !

    Yours in Scouting,


  9. Rachele (Italy) Says:

    We demonstrate everyday while wearing our scout uniform that peace, dialogue, agreements can definitely exists among people from all over the globe, no matter of religion, skin-color, social background.

    Jamborees are the biggest events to show the world that we want to try to turn the society into something like that, but it’s in our daily life that we should go ahead and further with our world wide project of peace.


  10. Dominic Says:

    * Message From David Schembri ( Malta )

    Dear Dominic

    I visited your site and was really impressed … !

    May I invite you also (as well as all scouts from the world) to visit (and register) in scouting4peace website at :

    Best Regards from Malta


    David Schembri
    International Commissioner
    Scout Association of Malta

  11. Dominic Says:

    I invite scouts from the world to have a look at the pictures (and post your own) on Scouting4peace …

    Find more photos like this on Scouting around the World

  12. Tarek Y Aziz Says:

    Hello Dominic

    I would like to say this is a wonderful site promoting peace ,humanity, peaceful acting and i’m inviting you to promote it in our scouting4peace website to let our 80 countries members sharing that great site you’ve done and share to you their experiences, thank u for creating that site ,it really adds value to scouting and peace all over the world.

    Tarek Y Aziz

    Scouting4peace creator

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